Wednesday, February 06, 2008

Rustic Avocado & Bean Spread

Rustic Avocado & Bean Spread

Hands on time: 5 minutes

1 medium ripe avocado, cubed or diced
¼ cup fresh cilantro, chopped
¼ cup red onion, chopped
1 cup cooked beans (I used the extra Jacob’s Cattle Beans that I didn't need for the Garlicy Bean & Spinach Soup…similar to navy beans in size and colouring. If you’re using canned beans, rinse & drain them first)

¼ cup good olive oil
Juice of ½ lime
1 clove of garlic, minced
1 heaping tbsp Kozlik’s Lime & Honey mustard (if you can’t find any, use a spicy honey mustard) Salt & pepper to taste

1. In a bowl, combine the avocado, beans, onion & cilantro. In a separate bowl or measuring cup, mix all the dressing ingredients. Pour over the avocado mixture and gently toss. This dish is very chunky so you don’t want it mashed. Taste for seasonings.

Serving ideas: with pita, soft tortillas, or …if you have the inclination…make some fresh brown bread and heap some on top while the bread is still warm.
As part of a buffet lunch or brunch…as is in a bowl, or fill tomato halves. Just remove pulp from the tomato (add a little to the avocado bean spread and stuff back into the empty tomato half).

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