Friday, January 25, 2008

Last Minute Pasta

Working on Fumes Pasta
Prep time: 20 minutes
Serves 2

Whatever you fancy in your fridge/pantry...
1 half box of pasta (whatever’s in the pantry)
Our choice this week:
1 cooked chicken breast, skin & bones removed and cut into 1-2” pieces
2 handfuls, small cremini mushrooms (halved or quartered)
¼ cup roasted red peppers from a jar
2 big handfuls of baby spinach
½ cup Pomodoro sauce
Extra virgin olive oil
1 large clove garlic, minced
Red chili pepper flakes
Grated Asiago cheese

1. Cook the pasta in salted water as per package instructions (usually 6-8 minutes). Reserve ½ cup of pasta water in case the sauce is too thick (or too skimpy). A little goes a long way to making the sauce creamy.

2. Meanwhile, in a large non-stick skillet, sauté the mushrooms and garlic in a little olive oil over medium heat. Add the chili pepper flakes, chicken & red peppers, Sauté until the chicken is really heated through (3 minutes or so). Add the spinach and let it just wilt a bit (1-2 minutes).

3. Place the drained pasta in a large pasta bowl and toss with the “sauce” Sprinkle with Asiago cheese and more chili pepper flakes if you wish.

Serve with a simple salad and you’re done.

Related links:

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